即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Review 8

HarryとAlisaのChit-Chat timeから

H:Ah seeing all that soba and sobadango...


H:makes me so hungry.

A:It looked so good.

H:So Alisa, have you ever had an experience like in a restaurant, which was a bit embarrassing?

A:At the time I didn’t live in Japan, I was visiting from America to Japan.  The slurping...


A:Yeah, very normal here but not in the States.

H:So true.

A:So I did that in the States.  I brought that tradition from Japan to the States. And people looked at me like I was crazy.

H:Ahahaha. But you were eating soba, right? In the States?


H:No pasta ya? No spaghetti.

A:No pasta, no spaghetti.


A:How about you?

H:I’ve had a number of  experiences in the restaurant where I was  wearing the wrong clothes,  I didn’t quite understand the meaning of Black Tie .  Black TIe means, you know,  very smart.  Definitely a Jacket. You’ve got to be very smart.


H:I have no idea and I looked up to a family dinner in a very very good restaurant in my t-shirt and my jeans and my sandals!


H:Very embarrassing.

A:I would feel very embarrass....
