即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Review 11

slug ナメクジ

本日はChit-chat time です。Today the lesson has Chit-Chat time.

H:So Alisa, uh have you ever got lost very badly?

A:You know what, yes.  

H: Yeah.

A: So I used to drive in America...

H: Alright.

A: Yeah, so my friend and I were on a road trip,  車の旅行

H: Hmm.

A: We were supposed to go to Utah.

H: Aha.

A: From Las Vegas.

H: From Vegas, OK.

A: So I was driving, and the highways are so confusing.

H: Ah.

A: Yeah, ‘cause the, so many signs, so many changing signs, 

H: OK.

A: And so I went on the freeway, keep going for about an hour and a half

H: Aha.

A: I’ve realized I was driving toward a different state.

H: Hahahaha

A: How about you?

H: Well, uh it’s about fifteen years ago, going to an audition,  OK?

A: Oh, OK.

H: And fifteen years ago, we didn’t have smartphones, right?

A: Ah.

H: So then we have a fax, and I’m trying to get there, just couldn’t find it.

A: Oh.

H: I’m five minutes late.

A: Oh no.

H: And ten minutes late. And half an hour late.

A: Ha.

H: Then I’m an hour late.

A: No.

H: I get there, my manager are screaming up me down the phone, but somehow I got the job.

A: Really.

H: Yeah.

A: Oh, congratulations to old Harry さん.

H: どういうこと?ははは。

A: ははは。

今回は過去の出来事を現在形で表現して”臨場感”を出していましたね。This time they express the past events by using present tense for the “presence.”

勉強になりますね。Good studies, yeah?

では~ Then see you soon.