即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson22

ぼくは日本人です。I’m a Japanese.

Lesson22です。英語はむずかしいですねぇ。こんな言い方するのっていう表現が次から次へとでてきます。English is difficult, isn’t it?  Phrases I wonder why you use come out one after another.

訪日外国人の会話から。From the conversation of the two female and male visitors to Japan.

F:See, you Ricky.  I told you it was popular! ほらね、リッキー
M:I guess you’re right!

こんな風に言うのでしょうか?Is this the typical conversation particularly in the first place?[the boldface]

次はToday’s work out から

Next! The conversation with Harry and Alisa!

H:Oh. Wow! Oh, Hi!

A:Thanks for inviting us today.

H:I see you’ve got lots of friends here.

E:Have a seat.


H:Thank you. Cheers. Ah, here are some drinks. Lovely. I was actually getting rather thirsty. 

E:Have a drink.

H:Ah, thank you. Excellent! Let’s have a beer in this.

A:Harry,  could you get us something to eat first?

H:Can I have a sip first?


Can we need ‘ a ‘ before ‘beer’ ? 

THank you very much for visiting!