即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson30

Chloe and I will head back now.  クロエと私は今から戻るよ。

That’s really something. それは素晴らしいことだね。

Nice talking to (with) you. お話しできてとても楽しかったです。

Nice talking to you, too. 私もです。

Bon voyage  良い旅を。(仏)

Enjoy your stay in Japan. 日本滞在を楽しんでね。

英語の表現はまるで無限大ですね。それではー。 English phrases are as if they were infinite, aren’t they?  Alright then, take care. Bye~

即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson29

今日は定番表現です。Today is a typical phrase.

What bruings you to Japan?  なぜ日本に来たのですか?

Why do you come to Japan? はちょっと失礼に聞こえる場合があるそうです。

They say “Why do you come to Japan” is heard for the other person discourtesy sometimes.

知らなかったら使えませんね。If we don’t know the  nuance, we can’t use it, right?

それからこんな表現もありました。Then there was this expression.

They are out shopping today.  今日彼らはショッピングに行ってるの。

またこんな表現もありました。There was also such an expression.

I’d love it here.  ここがとっても気に入ってるの。

これなんかも知っていないと使えませんね。We can’t use this if we don’t know it.

今日は以上です。That’s all for today, thank you.

即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson28

Are you having lunch soon, too?  あなたもすぐに昼ご飯を食べるの?


Native pronunciation “soon” is difficult for Japanese ‘cause it’s a silent “n” . So I can hear soon as “soo”. We have to judge from the situation to perceive it as “soon” finally.

Who would that be? それは誰になるのでしょうか?それは誰ということになりますか。

これも難しいですね。日本人はwho would とくれば大体次は動詞と思い込んでいます。単なるThat is who?の疑問文なのに、ややこしいですね。

This also is a difficult sentense for Japanese.  We Japanese almost assume a “verb” going after the phrase, “who would”.  This complexity comes naturally from a question form “That is who?” simply, but it’s complicated for us Japanese.


That's all for today, thank you.

即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Review 9

今日はちょっと難しかったです。おかしくなりそう。Today’s Chit-Chat time was a little difficult, so made me gonna crazy.


Especially interjection makes me feel fuzzy when it comes to appear somewhere.


Chit-Chat timeから

H:So Alisa, today, ahmm, the drama was about buying ONIGIRI.

A:Yeah, it made me wanna eat one.

H:What kind of GU(具), Gu is Japanese for, you know. is it meat?, is it fish?,or what goes inside the Onigiri?

A:Ah, it’s so hard to choose.


A:But, you know, I love a simple salt ONIGIRI. Just SHIO.

H:So, no GU?

A:No GU.


A:Yeah, How about you?

H:Ammam the traditional salmon.



A:So good.

H:It’s it’s it’s a classic.

A:All right.

H:You know, amm, rich in protein, too, 

A:But you can have different ONIGIRI every day for about three, four weeks? 

H:Maybe a year?


H:Many many forms of ONIGIRI.


H:Hmhmhm. Delicious..

太字は自信ないです。すいません。 I’m not sure the boldface is right or not anyway, sorry.





I’m very particular about numbers. 私は数字にとてもうるさいんです。

expiration date 消費期限


即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson25

今週から再開です。よろしくお願いします。They restart broadcasting from this week. Thank you.

今日は簡単だったので、ちょっと聞きづらかったところだけ。I show you only a bit of conversation which was a little difficult, because it was easy today.


M: Well, there are two numbers written here.

アリサのToday’s workoutから

A:Wow. This fabric is beautiful