即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Lesson28

Are you having lunch soon, too?  あなたもすぐに昼ご飯を食べるの?


Native pronunciation “soon” is difficult for Japanese ‘cause it’s a silent “n” . So I can hear soon as “soo”. We have to judge from the situation to perceive it as “soon” finally.

Who would that be? それは誰になるのでしょうか?それは誰ということになりますか。

これも難しいですね。日本人はwho would とくれば大体次は動詞と思い込んでいます。単なるThat is who?の疑問文なのに、ややこしいですね。

This also is a difficult sentense for Japanese.  We Japanese almost assume a “verb” going after the phrase, “who would”.  This complexity comes naturally from a question form “That is who?” simply, but it’s complicated for us Japanese.


That's all for today, thank you.