即レス英会話リスニング徒然草 Review 9

今日はちょっと難しかったです。おかしくなりそう。Today’s Chit-Chat time was a little difficult, so made me gonna crazy.


Especially interjection makes me feel fuzzy when it comes to appear somewhere.


Chit-Chat timeから

H:So Alisa, today, ahmm, the drama was about buying ONIGIRI.

A:Yeah, it made me wanna eat one.

H:What kind of GU(具), Gu is Japanese for, you know. is it meat?, is it fish?,or what goes inside the Onigiri?

A:Ah, it’s so hard to choose.


A:But, you know, I love a simple salt ONIGIRI. Just SHIO.

H:So, no GU?

A:No GU.


A:Yeah, How about you?

H:Ammam the traditional salmon.



A:So good.

H:It’s it’s it’s a classic.

A:All right.

H:You know, amm, rich in protein, too, 

A:But you can have different ONIGIRI every day for about three, four weeks? 

H:Maybe a year?


H:Many many forms of ONIGIRI.


H:Hmhmhm. Delicious..

太字は自信ないです。すいません。 I’m not sure the boldface is right or not anyway, sorry.